A revolutionary jointed swimbait originally created by Patrick Sebile, the Berkley Magic Swimmer Swimbait is a relaunch of one of the most popular lures to hit the market over a decade ago. Built with two super-durable joints to withstand strikes from the largest predators, the Berkley Magic Swimmer delivers smooth swimming action and natural movements at any retrieve speed. Armed with razor-sharp Berkley Fusion 19 treble hooks, each bait is equipped with hooks specifically designed for each size and buoyancy.
A popular choice worldwide with anglers worldwide, this lethal swimbait attracts all kinds of species in both fresh and saltwater with a tapered nose and humpbacked head shape that slices through the water making turbulence on one side, and then on the other. Now made with enhanced cosmetics, improved hardware materials, and a reinforced body for higher pull strength, the Berkley Magic Swimmer Swimbait is available in a variety of sink rates and sizes to meet the need of any situation.