The Exploder series is a classic speed jigging series from the early 2010's, made specifically for catching the biggest yellowfin, bluefin and amberjack. Originally designed in collaboration with Yoichi Mogi who kicked off and popularized the modern style of speed jigging in Japan and abroad.
We have the last of the rods that the manufacturer and distributor had left, including the heavier two models in the lineup in both spinning and conventional. These rods use Fuji MN SiC guides with the titanium chrome finish and appropriate reel seats for the style.
The lighter XS spinning model is the fastest of the series with a bit lower of a rating while the rest of the rods are more parabolic and suitable for heavy drag and line.
EXP53XS The Deep Quaker II |
SPINNING | 5'3" 160cm |
250-500g 8-16oz |
13kg 28lb |
PE5-8 50-80lb |
300g 10.6oz |
EXP53XXS Y.Mogi Special II |
SPINNING | 5'3" 160cm |
300-700g 11-25oz |
14kg 30lb |
PE10 100lb |
330g 11.6oz |
EXP56XB The Death Early Driver II |
CONVENTIONAL | 5'6" 168cm |
250-500g 8-16oz |
13kg 28lb |
PE6-8 50-80lb |
310g 10.9oz |
EXP55XXB The Maori Spirits |
CONVENTIONAL | 5'5" 165cm |
300-600g 11-21oz |
16kg 35lb |
PE10 100lb |
330g 11.6oz |